" Vimana - Panels - Darasuram - Page 2
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Vimana - Panels - Darasuram
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Temples Pancha Krosha Sthalams Darasuram Vimana Panels
Socio-cultural panels at Airavatesvara Temple
  Wind blowing scene Wind blowing scene
  Shiva blessing the Nayanmaars Shiva blessing the Nayanmaars
Punishment Scenes on the wall of Vimana

Punishing by hanging Fight Punishing a women by chopping the tongue
Attacking a man with spear  Punishing a women by chopping the hands - even women were punished for the crime A court scene
Dancing images
Bharathanatyam Abinayam (Dance) Shiva dancing  Women in a bending pose, depicts the motion of the dancer

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